Senior Housing with Services:
Hohoemi House Ichibankan and Nibankan
Hohoemi House Ichibankan and Nibankan are senior housing facilities that offer residents a “peace of mind” through our services.Cho Clinic is located on the first floor of Ichibankan, allowing for a close network between medical and nursing staff.
We deliver care to help our residents and their families achieve a "life with peace of mind and smiles".
Our facility provides comprehensive medical and nursing support with qualified staff on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Features of Senior Housing with Services: Hohoemi House
1.Collaboration with Medical and Nursing Care
Our medical staff and careworkers work closely to provide a living environment where senior residents can live securely and at peace knowing they are well looked after.
2.Caring Environment
We provide an environment where residents can receive nursing and medical care with a "caring heart."
3.Respectful and Joyful Living
We aim to be a facility where residents are respected and can enjoy a lively and happy life filled with "smiles."
4.Workplace of Empathy and Kindness
Our medical staff and careworkers maintain a workplace full of "hohoemi (smiles)" and "compassion."
Who Hohoemi House Ichibankan and Nibankan Are Recommended For
〇Those who require regular medical assistance
〇Individuals certified for long-term nursing care: Levels 1 to 5
〇Those finding it increasingly difficult to live at home
〇Individuals who find living alone challenging after discharge from a hospital or facility
〇Families struggling with caregiving
〇Those currently on the waiting list for other facilities
If you or someone you know may benefit from our supportive and caring environment, please feel free to contact us for more information. Comprehensive medical support *Please contact us for more details.

Overview of Hohoemi House

〇All of our rooms have a lot of sunlight and come equipped with closets and air conditioning units.
〇Our spacious dining area and community areas make daily meals something to look forward to.
〇Our entire facility is barrier-free, allowing for easy access in wheelchairs.

Hohoemi House ichibankan・nibankan