Message from the Chairman

My name is Eikichi Cho, Chairman of Chosukai (Cho Medical Corporation).
After graduating from Pusan National University School of Medicine in South Korea, I returned to Japan and gained further medical experience working in various hospitals across the Kansai region.
In 1989, I opened a clinic with inpatient facilities in Amagasaki City, and by 1994 I was able to expand to open three more clinics in the area.
However, I always longed to give back to the community in my hometown Nishinari by supporting the health of the elderly and those in need.
I finally fulfilled this dream by opening Cho Clinic in Bainan, Nishinari in 1999.
Every day I cycled through the local narrow alleys to reach as many patients as possible who could not leave their homes to come to my clinic. Many of you may have seen me pedaling around wearing a straw hat on the hot summer days.
During this time, I pondered what kind of medical care was truly needed by the local community. After years of consideration I established the current Choshukai in 2014.
At Cho Clinic, we support the health of our local community.
At Hohoemi House we provide a safe, clean, and enjoyable place of living.
At Hohoemi Days we offer a comprehensive and functional rehabilitation in a warm environment where the elderly can feel like they returned to their homes and families.
At Hohoemi Time we provide medical services for those who require nursing care at home.
At Choshukai we particularly emphasize on providing both medical and nursing care. Unlike typical home care services or nursing homes, not only do our careworkers visit the residents several times a day, but our doctors and nurses also make daily visits.
By communicating frequently with our patients and residents, we aim to maintain a close relationship to support them through their precious lives.
We will continue to provide prompt and optimal medical and nursing care services to all of our patients and residents to ensure their happiness and satisfaction, regardless of their nationality or financial status.
Chairman Eikichi Cho
Chairman Eikichi Cho
Education and Work history
Graduated from Pusan National University School of Medicine 1980Yao Tokushukai General Hospital, Internal Medicine
Kobe University International Center, Internal Medicine
Osaka Johoku City Hospital, Internal Medicine
Setsunan General Hospital, Internal Medicine
Tachibana Hospital, Internal Medicine and Surgery
Founded Ofuji Medical and Surgery Clinic
Founded Ofuji Dai-ni Medical Clinic
Founded Ofuji Dai-san Medical Clinic
Founded Ofuji Kita Medical Clinic
Founded Cho Clinic 1999
Founded Choshukai 2014
Philosophy of Choshukai
At Choshukai, we value interaction and dialogue with local residents, and our basic philosophy is to contribute to the community through our medical and nursing care work.
Overview of Choshukai
Chairman : Eikichi Cho
Address:2-5-17, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-6654-6308 FAX06-6652-6301
Address:2-5-17, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-6654-6308 FAX06-6652-6301
〇Cho Clinic General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Rehabilitation
〇Cho Treatment Center
〇serviced housing residence for the elderly Hohoemi house ichibankan・nibankan
〇regular and On-demand Home Nursing Care Hohoemi Time
〇senior day care center Hohoemi Days
〇Cho Treatment Center
〇serviced housing residence for the elderly Hohoemi house ichibankan・nibankan
〇regular and On-demand Home Nursing Care Hohoemi Time
〇senior day care center Hohoemi Days
Contact information for each office
〇Cho Clinic2-5-17 1F, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-6655-6660 FAX06-6655-6667
〇Cho Treatment Center
2-3-16, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
〇Hohoemi House ichibankan
2-5-17, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-6652-6300 FAX06-6652-6301
〇Hohoemi House nibankan
2-5-13, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-4703-5699 FAX06-4703-5698
〇Hohoemi Time
2-5-16, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-4398-6006 FAX06-4398-6007
〇Hohoemi Days
2-5-17 2F, Bainan, Osaka Shi Nishinari Ku, Osaka Fu, 557-0033
TEL06-6652-6317 FAX06-6652-6318